A bio of our contributors here at Be’spoke Politics

Gregory “Be’spoke Boss” Brill: I am the captain of this media enterprise and need to keep this interesting group of writers/contributors in line. I believe open discussion and debate is sorely lacking in society and too many people turn into their protective hive of like minded individuals when challenged. I made this site so that we can challenge peoples beliefs and make them think critically about their worldview. It may reaffirm what they already believe or it just may have them second guess some of the ideas they previously held. Either way the discussions should be enlightening and at the very least entertaining as well.
My background is a Bachelors in Political Science and International relations from SUNY Oswego and a Masters in International Relations from Brooklyn College. I will generally try to moderate our bunch of commentators and provide editorial notes but I am sure you will see some of my political biases come out as you follow our journey.

Thomas Mets: I’m a Middle School humanities teacher in New York City, politics junkie, film buff, comics nerd and aspiring writer. I figured I would use this summer to focus less on politics, since so many of the discussions are about winning a news cycle rather than things that matter in the long term. And then we get a few weeks that are crazy even in the context of September 11, the 2008 financial collapse and Covid.
In the first half of my summer break, the President did so poorly in a debate that he dropped out of the race for reelection, the Vice President became the Democratic party’s nominee in a coronation, someone shot President Trump and a best-selling author under 40 was selected as the Republican candidate for Vice President. So when my friend Greg asked if I wanted to write political and cultural commentary for his website, I was happy since I was going to be writing about this anyway.

Zeke Z. Plummer: I am Zeke Zacaharias Plummer, 90s kids yes I know my name rings a bell. But fear not, I am not a deranged plumber on hiatus from unclogging toilets to torment teens at summer camp. I have a bachelors in comparative politics from Binghamton University and a Masters in Global Affairs from NYU So I am more than qualified to hold my own in the depths of policy analysis.
I am a prototypical small government, peace through strength, free market republican in the mold of Ronald Reagan with a hint of libertarianism. I will write on a wide range of topics for Be’spoke with particular emphasis on pushing core conservative tenants. My goal is to engage in thoughtful debate and conversation with my fellow contributors as well as you our readers as I really don’t want the Be’spoke boss to send me back to unclogging the toilets.

Kate McQueen: My name is Kate McQueen but most of my friends call me Kate “THE” Queen. It’s better than being known as a plumber like that guy above me. I have a Bachelors degree from Boston College in Political Science and am working on a masters at NYU for a degree of specialization in Advocacy and Political Action. I’ve worked on a variety of liberal causes over the years such as occupy wall street and human rights watch. However, lest you think I am strictly a vegan hipster social justice warrior, I do like to look at an issue from all perspectives and want my ideas challenged.
A lot of my writing will be on domestic issues facing the United States, social issues and a US foreign policy with regards to human rights, of course within the context of current events. I can’t wait to be a check on Zeke’s writings as we can’t let him dominate the view point here and it get too right wing here. As well as the guy in charge who I think leans right.

Lizzie Silvestre: Sorry I don’t have any cute nickname like the guys and girl above me but I have writing to focus on. I am working on a Bachelors in Government from Georgetown University and plan to further my education with a masters in Democracy and Governance. You really can’t lump me in with any side since I pride myself on looking at the issue logically and unemotionally. Somehow I suspect I will be playing the referee between my fellow opinionaters on here.
For my main focus you’ll see me writing about about domestic political issues such as healthcare, the economy, and migration. Though this will be far from all I will write about. I like to challenge people on their beliefs to make them think critically about why they stand that way on any particular issue and this will be my main goal I hope to bring to the table here while engaging my fellow writers.