Hidin’ Harris: Why is Kamala Harris Hiding in Her Safe Space

why is kamala harris hiding
Kamala Harris” by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Kamala Harris has been so deep in her safe space during the campaign that even the media can’t find her. Maybe she thinks silence is her best policy, which, in truth, it probably is.

I can only imagine she must feel similar to how Cartman felt in South Park in his safe space. Let’s watch that video below as it summarizes Kamala Harris’ feelings in her space space likely better than I can.

Why is Kamala Harris Hiding

“Everyone likes me and thinks that I’m great in my safe space.” In Harris’ safe spaces of ABC, Oprah Winfrey, CNN and more no one dares to question her lest they be charged with fueling Trump’s rise to power. In 2016 the supposedly unbiased media was in despair and engaged in months of hand-wringing thinking about all the ways they belatedly should have helped Hillary Clinton in her quest for the presidency.

The mass media outlets have become safe spaces for not only Harris but the entire Democratic party. Democratic politicians are unquestionable in these spaces because when you believe Trump is Hitler and it’s the end of democracy, how can you question society’s saviors? This is how Trump ended up getting fact-checked repeatedly during the debate on ABC yet the multiple lies told by Harris were fact-checked not once.

But getting back to the Harris campaign, for effectively two months, she has been the Democratic nominee yet has done less media than any major party candidate in modern U.S. history. What are they hiding? We knew what they were hiding with Joe Biden, an infirm old man who barely knew where he was. Only delusional people thought that he was still right in the head. But she’s supposed to be the young, spry, sharp rejuvenator of the campaign, yet she’s running the same basement-dwelling campaign that Joe Biden ran in 2020.

The little media she has done has been in overtly friendly and even politically endorsed spaces that cater to her, such as Oprah. However, even in Oprah’s safe space, Oprah became annoyed with Harris’ refusal to answer basic questions. Why won’t she leave this safe space? Are her future policies and past performance so disastrous that she dares not venture outside? She thinks if she stays quiet long enough, the presidency will just find her. But the American people deserve more than that; she’s running for the President of the United States, not the mayor of a small town in Iowa.

Why She Won’t Leave Her Safe Space

This gets to the crux of our argument: why is Kamala Harris hiding. She won’t leave her safe space because if she has to elaborate on her policies, it will alienate most of the American public.

In Kamala Harris’ safe space, we should be funding sex change operations for illegal immigrants. Including those who are in immigration detention and prison. So in Harris’ America while you’re struggling to put food on the table you have to pay for an illegal to cross the border and commit who knows how many crimes until they get caught and put in jail and then you get to pay for their sex change operation.

However, if you need to go to the hospital because your life may be in danger you may get hit with an enormous bill forcing you into bankruptcy. No one is coming to bail you out because they are too busy paying for an illegal’s sex change operation.

What else goes on in Kamala Harris’ safe space? Why is Kamala Harris hiding?

In Harris’ safe space, she supports the rights of violent criminals over hard-working Americans. She supported and championed the Minnesota Freedom Fund in June 2020 to get rioters taking over American cities out of prison. But even worse than freeing rioters who were burning down American cities, even though CNN called them peaceful protests, was that most of the money didn’t even go to rioters but went to freeing violent criminals. Violent criminal George Howard, who was freed, later went on to shoot and kill a man on a Minnesota highway.

why is kamala harris hiding
Lorie Shaull from St Paul, United States, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The fund also freed an alleged knife murderer and convicted rapist who was facing charges of sexual assault and kidnapping. These are the kinds of Americans she prioritizes over you. It is you and I who will be in contact with these violent criminals once freed, while she has layers of Secret Service protection and retreats to gated neighborhoods so as not to mingle with the masses. Cartman says “bully-proof windows, troll-safe doors in his safe space” but in Harris’ safe space, she also has bulletproof windows and fail-safe doors while we are left to fend off the mentally ill ourselves.

In her safe space, it is okay to destroy rules of governance that have their beginnings during some of the first sessions of Congress around 1789. Harris if elected, would like to eliminate the filibuster to codify abortion rights. The filibuster has historically been used to promote bipartisanship, prevent drastic policy swings, protect the minority parties’ rights, and prevent rapid reversals in policy in the Senate that could prove destabilizing. She would like to destroy all this just because the Democratic party did not get its way on an issue.

She will use the usual rhetoric to frame it as a one-time thing for an issue that is a basic human right and of “such importance” that we must take action. But it never stops there; the next issue will, of course, be of such pressing national importance that they must suspend the filibuster for that as well. And with this precedence set, when the Republicans come into the majority they will suspend the filibuster to pass their issues of “such great importance.”

This isn’t even my opinion we need to look no further than when Democrats used the “nuclear option” to suspend the filibuster for judicial nominees in 2013. Of course, Republicans then went ahead and used it for the Supreme Court appointments of Donald Trump, of which Democrats protested loudly, but this was all established by their precedence in 2013. If you want to blow up centuries-old American procedures, you can’t protest when the other side plays that game.

We hear constantly in the media about Trump being a threat to democracy and our democracy being at stake, but it’s Democrats who are the threat to democracy. They pushed through a hand-picked candidate in the most undemocratic way possible and now want to change policies we’ve had in place since nearly our founding.

why is kamala harris hiding

Lastly, and perhaps the most dangerous idea in Kamala Harris’ safe space, is that we should be a country without a border. As “Border Czar,” Harris/Biden let in a record number of illegal immigrants with zero vetting and gave them more rights than American citizens. Why were nurses, firefighters, and police officers forced to take a vaccine or face termination of employment, yet millions of illegals could pour into our country with no COVID-19 vaccine or any testing for the types of exotic diseases they were carrying?

Even in the 1920s, when we knew much less about the spread of disease, we tested the legal immigrants at Ellis Island before we let them in. My grandparents had to be tested way back then, but yet in 2020, in the middle of the greatest pandemic in a century, Harris lets in millions of people untested for anything. By forcing vaccine mandates, she essentially fired thousands of Americans, thereby destroying their livelihood, yet rewarded millions of illegals with no conditions at all on their entry into the United States. It’s because the Biden/Harris does not care about you. All they care about is the millions of people they let in that they see as future Democratic votes.

In this safe space, we are terrorized by new gangs overtaking many communities in the United States. But then gaslighted by democratic politicians into not believing what we see with our own eyes. The new mantra of the democratic party led by Harris is don’t believe what you see, just believe what I tell you.

For example, in Aurora, Colorado, we have videos of illegal gangs carrying assault weapons openly and interviews with Hispanic residents saying they are scared. Yet the Colorado governor and local officials say there is nothing out of the ordinary going on. If nothing out of the ordinary is happening, why is there Tren de argue popping up all over the United States? They were unheard of just a couple of years ago.

Every other week there is a story of an illegal raping, sexually assaulting, or murdering young woman across this country. But what’s a few lives to be bothered with when you can get millions of votes? In certain parts of Manhattan, police estimate that seventy percent of their arrests per week are of illegals. In some areas in Queens, New York, that number is sixty-five percent. Don’t we have enough homegrown criminals? Why do we need to import the derelicts of the third world?

Harris would like you to believe only the best and the brightest are coming over but the truth is we are getting the worst of the worst. Venezuela is experiencing record-low crime, and that is not just a Trump talking point, this is a recorded statistic. We won’t even get into the number of likely terrorists that Harris, the “Border Czar,” has let in over the border. Luckily some of these have been picked up after the fact but certainly not all. Hopefully I’m wrong, but I would be shocked if there is not a terrorist attack within the next five years in America stemming from the border crisis.

Takeaways: Why is Kamala Harris Hiding

We can see that Kamala Harris’ safe space isn’t so safe for the average American. If I were to push these policies, I’d also choose to hide in my safe space. The record she has to run on has been a disaster for the average American, and she knows the only way to win the election is to say as little as possible, be questioned as little as possible, and hope that she can skate by until the election, knowing that the mainstream media will be loathe to criticize her.

Whether you love or hate him, we know where Donald Trump stands on the issues. When we look at her stated positions and the policies she has championed as vice president, such as the ones pointed out above, we see the danger she poses to America. In closing, while her policies are no laughing matter the South Park video is and you deserve a laugh after reading all this so go watch it again.

Do you agree with this article and think Harris is hiding, or if you do is it for the reasons above? Maybe you think Harris is a great candidate and disagree with these assertions. Let us know in the comments below. If you like the conservative content of this author make sure to check out Progressivism is a Mental Disorder: The Deadly Trump Assassination Attempt

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