Who’s the Real Threat to Democracy? A Look at Election Disputes from 2016 to 2020

Threat to Democracy

In the aftermath of the 2020 election, Democrats loudly proclaimed that Donald Trump is the greatest threat to democracy was contesting the results of a legitimate election. Politicians and even lay people who dared question Biden’s election were considered treasonous and seditious. However, this is a sharp turnaround from their position in 2016 when Donald Trump was considered an “illegitimate” President and contesting the results of the election was far from a threat to democracy.

Is disputing the results of an election an example of democracy, or is it dangerous?

For starters, before we dive into the 2016 election, we have the 2018 election of Brian Kemp, the governor of Georgia. Stacey Abrams still refuses to concede that she lost that election and believes she is the current governor. As shown in this article, political science experts, as well as news outlets, have not found any evidence of voter suppression that affected the result of the election yet Abrams still peddles these nonsense claims.

Does this sound eerily familiar to someone else Democrats loudly complain about being a threat to democracy. One of their most pressing points is that they claim Trump has presented zero proof of voter fraud in the 2020 election yet their candidate Abams has not once been called out on presenting zero proof for her claims of contesting the election.

To no surprise, the Democrats don’t actually have any regard for democracy, that just sounds nice to say, they only care about getting their candidates in by any means necessary. The galling part, though, is they consistently claim to have this moral high-ground superiority complex when it comes to “preserving democracy,” yet they will do just as bad and usually worse than any other group to get what they want.

They can keep their lectures on ethics and morals as they behave no better than those they deem a threat to democracy.

Russia Collusion Hoax

Threat to democracy

Regarding the 2016 election, we all must remember the Russian collusion hoax. This was a completely concocted scheme based on false information to sow doubt in the legitimacy of the election of Donald Trump. Every day, according to Rachel Maddow the walls were closing in on Trump as Robert Mueller was “putting the pieces together.” Mueller, the golden boy, was the one who would overturn the election and save us all. Until he ended up not being the golden boy and determined that there was no collusion with Russia thus being quickly kicked to the curb.

Then, in 2023, special counsel John Durham determined that there never should have been any investigation as the evidence was too flimsy to even start with, never mind it being concocted by the Clinton campaign. This was all too little too late, though, as Ingrid Jacques in her article in USA Today stated “The investigation into the “collusion” clouded Trump’s entire presidency, and Democrats harnessed the tale to paint Trump as an illegitimate president.” 

The Democratic leaders such as Adam “pencil neck” Schiff and Jerry “The Waddler” Nadler all went along with this, knowing that there was nothing there to investigate but in the hope that it would paint Trump as having stolen the election.

So we have Democrats not only questioning the results of an election but concocting a bogus investigation which they spent millions of dollars on in order to hopefully overturn the votes of the American people. We must fight back against this narrative that Democrats have cornered the market on election integrity and the Republicans are the threat to democracy. They have the least integrity out of any group I have come across. This leads us to our next specimen….

Hillary Clinton the Real Threat to Democracy

Threat to Democracy
Hillary Clinton” by JeepersMedia is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Hillary Clinton, to this day, still blames her loss on everyone but herself. She refuses to see that she was out-hustled, outworked, and out-maneuvered. This isn’t the major issue though since she can blame everyone else and see how far it gets her. The real issue is that she made the, according to Democrats, deadly sin of calling into question the results of an election. She said, “Trump knows he’s an illegitimate President…….I know he knows this wasn’t on the level.”

Here we have a major party candidate of a Presidential election saying that an election was fraudulent. Isn’t this the same thing we are prosecuting President Trump for? The same thing that we are labeling as “disinformation” by anyone who dares to question the 2020 election? So, it is ok to question the 2016 election we only can’t question the 2020 election. Democrats have created this moral crisis over Trump and his supporters’ questions surrounding the 2020 election when they did the same thing in 2016.

Think back to the Women’s March on Washington the day after Trump’s inauguration and the women in the pussy hats screaming he’s illegitimate, he’s not my President, the election was STOLEN, doesn’t this sound very famililar. Here’s a photo of the hats to jog your memory. I’m sure they’re available on Amazon if you’d like to buy one for the woman in your life.

threat to democracy
Ted Eytan, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

But to get back to our point, read this quote

“There was a widespread understanding that [the 20XX] election was not on the level. We still don’t know what happened … but you don’t win by 3 million votes and have all this other shenanigans and stuff going on and not come away with an idea like, ‘Whoa, something’s not right here.’”

Who said that? It was Hillary Clinton in October of 2020, but I wouldn’t blame you if you thought this was Trump, as it is nearly identical to the arguments that he has made. Clinton can make these arguments for four years and it’s no big deal but Trump dares to question his result and it’s a threat to democracy and the end of democracy as we know it.

Others who Disputed the 2016 Election

Youth Activism

Hillary Clinton was far from alone in questioning the integrity of the election. None other than Saint Jimmy Carter, the man who had one of the worst presidencies in American history yet the greatest post-presidency resurgence, questioned Trump’s election win when he said,

“There’s no doubt that the Russians did interfere in the election, and I think the interference, although not yet quantified, if fully investigated would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf.”

Except he had no evidence for anything he was saying and in fact, the evidence pointed the complete opposite way in that Trump had nothing to do with any Russian election interference. If questioning a presidential election is a danger to our democracy than Jimmy Carter is on that list of threats to our republic.”

The Waddler” Nadler had this to say “He was legally elected,” Nadler said. “But the Russians weighing in on the election, the Russian attempt to hack the election and, frankly, the FBI’s weighing in on the election make his election illegitimate. But he is the president.” If those types of activities make an election illegitimate would “The Waddler” also say that Joe Biden’s election was illegitimate?

When Google and Facebook deliberately suppress coverage favorable to Trump and harmful to Biden leading up to the election isn’t that big tech weighing on the election? Facebook and the mainstream media restrict a story on Hunter Biden’s laptop that was 100% verifiably true weeks before the 2020 election is that not election interference? See, “The Waddler” doesn’t care about election interference or integrity he only cares about his own power, his own candidates (and his next meal).

Lastly, Maxine Waters along with seven house Democrats, in 2017, raised objection after objection to the Electoral count by Congress. Though this was completely futile, it sounds oddly similar to what Democrats complain about Trump doing when attempting to get Pence not to certify the results. They have sent the lynch mob out for President Trump for all the “crimes” that they have committed themselves.

If the Democrats had any integrity and truly believed they were saving democracy they would call out all of those in their ranks who in 2016 worked the same angles that Trump did in 2020. However, they won’t because when Democrats do it, it’s called active democracy and when Republicans do it, it’s called a threat to democracy.

We have seen a repeated theme throughout Trump’s presidency and even the last four years in that everything bad the Democrats claim the Republicans do, the Democrats are the ones that actually do it, and to an even greater degree. There are many different issues for both parties to run on such as healthcare, immigration, the economy, abortion etc. It’s time to stop letting the Democrats fool you into thinking that the threat to Democracy and the questioning of election results is one of them.

Is there a difference between the behavior of Democratic leaders and Republican leaders? Do you agree with our author? Let us know in the comments below and if you liked this article check out Hidin’ Harris: Why is Kamala Harris Hiding in Her Safe Space

One Reply to “Who’s the Real Threat to Democracy? A Look at Election Disputes from 2016 to 2020”

  1. “ “The Waddler” doesn’t care about election interference or integrity he only cares about his own power, his own candidates (and his next meal).” 😂

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