Back with another installment of Who Writes This S*!& and for those of you who may not have read our other articles, in this series one of our writers critiques an article they come across that they take issue with. We have finally turned away from our old pal Simon Tisdall which you can read here and here and today take aim at Sidney Blumenthal and his opinion piece on President Trump’s Madison Square Garden Rally.
Sidney Blumenthal Op-Ed
Sidney Blumenthal, who you may know as a top aide to Bill Clinton and a very close confidante of Hillary Clinton, has taken the Trump derangement syndrome to a new level in his op-ed piece. If you had just woke up from a thirty-year coma and read this piece, you would think Trump is readying the gas chambers for all the Jews, minorities, and his political opponents in America.
Of course, that would involve gassing his daughter and grandchildren which Mr. Blumenthal probably suspects Trump would have no issue doing.
Blumenthal writes the following:
“Trump’s climactic rally will not be in the spirit of any past presidential event ever held there. His gathering for the great racist replacement theory will be the culmination of his spiraling descent since the Charlottesville rally in 2017 when neo-Nazis chanted, “Jews will not replace us.” “Fine people on both sides,” Trump said then. Now, at his night at the Garden, Trump will revive the memory of the infamous American Nazi mass rally held there on 20 February 1939 through his reflected Hitlerian rhetoric.”
We have thoroughly debunked Trump’s fine people on both sides quote, which you can read here, and frankly, by this point, most of America is so tired of this claim that no one takes this seriously anymore. Blumenthal cannot get over a few fringe neo-Nazis chanting “Jews will not replace us” yet I cannot find an op-ed from him regarding the mainstream campus protests which had thousands more protestors than Charlottesville chanting “death to jews” “hitler would have wiped you all out” “globalize the intifada.” These are not some fringe losers that no one takes seriously as was the case in Charlottesville, these are possible future leaders of American society.
He doesn’t seem to take issue with marauders taking over a subway car and advising any zionists to raise their hands as it’s their last chance to leave, or with chants in Washington DC that “Allah is gathering all Zionists (Jews of which 95% are zionists) for a Final Solution and the similarly “Jewish Motherfuckers we’re going to kill all of you.”
None of this does the presumably Jewish Blumenthal have a problem with. His obsession is with a fringe group of tiki torch-wielding preppies from eight years ago. For someone hyperventilating about Nazis and antisemitism so much, he foolishly thinks this is the biggest threat facing the nation, a group we have essentially not heard from since that day in Charlottesville.
Blumenthal’s Racism

He goes throughout this piece giving the various German Nazi names for Trump’s policies. Which this is quite racist in itself, as I’m sure Bluementhal believed let me slap a German name on Trump’s policies as best to scare people. Through doing this Blumenthal contributes to the demonization of the German language and state and is quite racist.
Trump wanting to take out illegal immigrant Venezuelan gangs that are terrorizing this country…..well that’s “Rassenhygiene”
Trump’s use of the term “fake news” which has been shown over the past eight years to be entirely true. We have never before seen the mainstream media so in the bag for one candidate that they bury any unflattering story for Biden, Harris or Democrats…..well that’s “die Lügenpresse”
When Trump was talking about election unrest and possibly using the military to quell it which has now been spun into him wanting to use the military against Democrats…..that’s “Feind des Volkes”
I can play Sidney “ the Racist” Blumenthal’s game too, Harris and the Democrats want more state control over the economy…..that’s “Gleichschaltung”
Centralizing power and prioritizing the state over individual rights as the democrats love to push and as they did during Covid. This was also a central tenet of fascism and Nazi Germany….here we have “Führerprinzip”
Anti-Jewish laws that Blumenthal claims to be so concerned about when its a few people in Charlottesville but doesn’t care when its on his elitist college campuses. Some of these laws Democrats may like to bring back as Republicans were the only ones concerned enough to call in the leaders of America’s Ivy League institutions….thats Nürnberger Gesetze
You get the picture, Racist Sidney Blumenthal thinks he’s so clever in adding some German phrases and with that we can suddenly transform Trump into Hitler. He attempts to make a very simplistic argument that Nazis had a rally in Madison Square Garden and they’re bad so Trump having a rally in Madison Square Garden must mean he’s a Nazi and he’s bad. He does this because he thinks the reader is dumb and will fall for that.
He writes
“Now, in his announcement of his night at the Garden, Trump advertised a clipped version of the replacement theory, declaring that New York was “reeling” from “Kamala’s reckless open-border policies”, “flooding” the city with criminal “illegal migrants”. For nearly a $1m contribution to attend the event, the top tier, donors are promised an “Ultra MAGA Experience”, details to follow.”
Anyone who has spent time in New York City can see this as true. New York City is flooded with illegal migrants. In parts of midtown they represent 70% of police arrests, and in Queens 65% of arrests. Kamala’s open border policies were reckless when she and Biden invited over ten million people in unvetted, unscreened, and unaccounted for. If this is the standard we use for Nazi rhetoric then the vast majority of the country are Nazis since they see open borders and illegal criminals as a problem.

Sidney the racist, keeps harping on the great replacement theory, but the problem is nothing Trump has said eludes to the great replacement theory. This is a desperate op-ed by a man who is still bitter that Hillary Clinton lost, which her loss likely lost him some plush high-paying policy job where he could, if we were lucky, do nothing all day, and if we were unlucky, he’d get ambitious and push his disastrous policies.
He will try to derail a Trump victory by any means necessary. However, just as he likely helped blow the election for Hillary Clinton with his “genius” ideas, his histrionics fall on deaf ears now as well. The record-breaking support for Trump among Black, Hispanic, and Jewish voters evidences this. Trump has 20-year highs for Black and Latino support and has grown his percentage of Jewish support from the last election.
These three groups are not as dumb as Blumenthal would like them to be. They can see through hyperbole rhetoric like this and notice that Trump aligns with their values, beliefs, and American ideals. Or maybe the racist Sidney Blumenthal is getting even more racist. Not only is he racist against Germans, but it seems like maybe he thinks blacks and Latinos are too dumb to realize Trump is pushing the “great replacement theory.” I mean, clearly, if it was as obvious as Blumenthal makes it out to be, any idiot could realize this, right?
Except they are not dumb, they can see through the Democratic rhetoric and desperation while analyzing the pros and cons of both sides and decide what is best for them and their families. It is Sidney Blumenthal who is the dumb one, and as we are seeing maybe kind of racist. Racist against Germans, Blacks, Latinos…..maybe even Jews since if you want to do some digging on his son I’ll leave that for you to discover.
Trump Assassination Attempt and Comparisons to Hitler
The real danger of Racist Sideny Blumenthal’s writings is that this is exactly what inspired two assassination attempts on Trump’s life. This hyperbole and conjecture without any actual evidence of Trump’s Nazi ideology could inspire very bad actors into action. Blumenthal ends his piece with “Now, New Yorkers can only wonder, what kind of schmuck holds a Nazi-esque rally in Madison Square Garden?”
He spent 2,000 words comparing Trump to Hitler, comparing his policies to Hitler and warning about the danger these Hitler-esque policies would pose. This is the type of dangerous rhetoric that could inspire one to connect the following dots. If Trump was having a Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden, and if he’s Hitler, how could I not take action? I would be hailed a hero, wouldn’t I?

If this piece had been written about any other recent politician, especially Barack Obama there would be outcry from every corner of mainstream media. They would accuse the author of inciting violence especially after there were already two assassination attempts.
Though after seeing many progressives’ attitudes after said attempts many would likely not mind a violent outcome. We spent four years being told red MAGA hats were violent but now attempted assassinations are not violent according to these progressives.
Sidney Blumenthal like many of his progressive media compatriots is getting desperate. He sees Kamala Harris slipping in poll after poll and is working to find any angle possible to paint Trump with the blackest of brushes. Nothing Blumenthal writes is new or unique as we have seen these types of stories made up over and over for the past eight years.
Most Americans though will see this for what it is, an unhinged illogical semi-racist rant from a Washington insider whose time has passed. If Sidney Blumenthal really believed Trump was Hitler come November 6th if /when Trump was elected he should put his money where his mouth is and flee the country. I mean after all, “Hitler” has come to power.
Do you agree that the Fascist claim against Trump has been overdone? Or is Trump a modern day Fascist in the vein of Hitler as Sidney Blumenthal suggests? Let us know in the comments below.