Niccolo Machiavelli said, “Politics have no relations to morals.” Nowhere is this more evident than with the left’s outrage over Donald Trump’s black jobs comment and every move while excusing those same proclivities from its side. This hit the front page this week with Trump’s black jobs comment and appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists conference.
Black Jobs Comment
The “morally superior” left was up in arms as predicted over Trump’s Black jobs comment. How dare he say that African Americans are more inclined to work in certain fields and professions. However, Trump’s black jobs comment has the facts on his side.
According to none other than the Bureau of Labor Statistics Blacks make up twelve percent of all employed workers yet accounted for over a quarter of those in specific occupations. These occupations included nursing, home health aides, security guards, transportation, and utilities. So clearly there is a correlation between Black people and certain employment fields.
This rings a bell, doesn’t it? Was it not just a few years ago during the pandemic that liberals proclaimed that Blacks were pandemic heroes (rightfully so). They made up the bulk of front-line employees who could not do their jobs from the relative safety of their homes. Therefore, they should be given extra benefits such as early access to vaccines and monetary funds.
The left argued that black jobs put black Americans at increased risk of exposure to the Covid-19 virus. But now in 2024 when Trump dares to express that there are certain “black jobs” or more eloquently put fields of work that blacks disproportionately reside in, the left and the media go into their usual hysterics and fake outrage.
Role of the Mainstream Media Highlighting Trump’s black jobs
The biggest villain in this is the media which willingly goes along with whatever the democratic party pushes out. Joe Biden says “if you don’t vote for me then your not black.” This disappears in two days, meanwhile, we will be hearing about Trump’s black jobs quote until the end of time.
For example, the “there’s very fine people on both sides” quote. Which we have heard regurgitated so many times that even a dementia patient would never forget it at this point. For the past seven years, the fake outrage of the left has used this as their rallying cry. MSNBC and CNN have run this story more times than a mathematician at MIT can count.
But I am still waiting for Rachel Maddow and her ilk to discuss Biden’s remark regarding the spring protests. He espoused that there were good people on both sides of the Anti-Israel/Anti-Semitic protests that rocked Columbia University all fall and Spring.
So there were good people who wave Hamas banners openly, shouted long live Oct 7th, and globalize the intifada. Plus my personal favorite is a girl giving an interview saying “I’d Suck Osama Bin Laden’s Dick” as a man in the background is nodding in agreement saying ” he did what he had to do.”
Now if you look at Trump’s quote in context it is obvious what he was referring to. He was describing the people who believed statues of Confederate leaders should stay up in parks and public squares. This was not a reference to the white supremacists that were a small part of that match. Similar that if you look at Trump’s black jobs quote in context it had nothing to do with racism.
Likewise, for whatever issues I have with Joe Biden, I do not believe he thinks Osama Bin Laden was a good guy; and death to Jews is a wonderful thing. He likely meant the few people there who were speaking for the plight of Palestinian civilians. Not those apologizing for the terrorists. Unfortunately, those protesting that do not celebrate terrorism seem to be the minority but that’s an issue for another column.
There was no moral outrage over Joe Biden’s remark since it barely made the news. Only Fox and a few conservative outlets ran it briefly. It was just swept under the rug. This is unlike the barrage of news we’ve endured on Charlottesville well into the seventh year.

So please spare me your moral hypocrisy and fake outrage when Donald Trump says something you deem provocative. We are at the point where Democrats desperate to win a Presidential election that may be slipping away from them would declare Trump preferring Vanilla ice cream as indicative of his white supremacist ways. The Biden campaign, subsequently Harris campaign wasted no time in jumping on Trump’s black jobs comment as reported here by the Hill.
The obsession with parsing every minute word that comes out of the ex-president’s mouth for racist intentions while giving a pass to those on your team is phony hypocrisy of the highest level. So I ask the mainstream media please spare me your moral righteousness. I do not need to hear about Trump’s Black jobs comment for the next seven years now. You the media, have clearly shown as Machiavelli puts it “Politics have no relations to morals.”
Were you offended by Trump’s black jobs comments? Or do you think the media is even handed with all candidates? If you agree with this article check out Biden’s Resignation and the Lie of the Century