Simone Biles vs. Megan Rapinoe: True American Pride vs. Self-Promotion

Simone Biles vs. Megan Rapinoe, this is what entered my head as I sat down the other day to watch television and while flipping through the channels I settled on the Olympics. Women’s gymnastics happened to be on the television at the time. This was one event I was partially familiar with. Most of America after previous Olympics has heard of Simone Biles, Sunisa Lee, and the rest of the US team. Simone Biles shows true American pride contrasting sharply with the shameless self promotion of woman’s soccer, specifically Megan Rapinoe. With Simone Biles vs. Megan Rapinoe it’s no contest who the American hero is.

Curious to see if Simone Biles could lead USA back to gold. I am by no means an expert on gymnastics but she looked pretty damn good. As you all know by now, team USA captured the gold.

Watching Simone Biles run around the gymnasium waving the US flag it dawned on me that she is everything Megan Rapinoe is not. In comparing Simone Biles vs. Megan Rapinoe, Rapinoe finds any reason to shit on the country that has given her so much and has allowed her to showcase her talents. Whatever personal politics Biles may have she does not let it bleed into the international arena.

I do not profess to know Ms. Biles’s politics. I do not know whether she is a Republican or Democrat and it doesn’t concern me. She can be the biggest Kamala Harris supporter for all I care; because what she does most importantly is represent the country with grace, class, and respect. In contrast, research by Sports Illustrated’s Grant Wahl couldn’t find history of a player taking a knee during an international match aside from Rapinoe.

Simone Biles vs. Megan Rapinoe: Attention Seeker vs Team Player

Just as it does not matter what Biles’ politics are it does not matter what Rapinoe’s politics are (though inundated we’ve been with hers). When chosen to represent your country you do so with dignity and respect. This is especially true when it is on the international stage. The fact that she’s used this only as a platform for herself and to push her beliefs shows the kind of self-absorbed narcissistic individual she is. The fact that her black teammates were standing with their hearts covered shows that this is nothing more than about drawing attention to herself.

Being an American woman’s soccer player, she should know better than most the advantages that this country has given her. A major reason why the women’s soccer team has dominated the competition is because the United States is one of the few countries that invests in women’s sports. There is nowhere else where she would have had the opportunities she has been given than in the United States.

Instead of just putting on a show of standing up for equality, Simone Biles’ life story shows that the American dream is still alive and well. From her rough beginnings to the star she is today. Her being on the international stage regardless of her politics shows the world the power of America.

To all the Conservatives who piled on her when she pulled out of the 2020 Olympics. This includes Charlie Kirk who said she’s a “selfish sociopath whose a shame to the country.” Also, Amber Athey who said “a true champion who perseveres even when the competition gets tough.” There is nothing more American than a great come back story.

I highly doubt this Ms. Athey knows the perseverance it takes to become the most decorated gymnast in history. Once she attains 1/10th of that success we can take her opinion seriously.


Megan Rapinoe represents everything that has gone downhill with American society. The disrespect for the flag, disrespect for the Anthem, and the selfish me-first attitude she so often exhibits. You get the sense that winning is second to her getting her fifteen minutes of fame. Meanwhile, Simone Biles represents all that is right with America, while not perfect, I’m sure there is no other place she’d prefer to represent. In the contest of Simone Biles vs. Megan Rapinoe there is no contest who I prefer.

But that’s just my opinion, maybe you love Megan Rapinoe? Dislike Simone Biles? Is there any difference in Simone Biles vs. Megan Rapinoe? Feel free to discuss in the comment section below and let us know what you think.

Also, check out our other sports article exploring the issue of Trans men participating in women’s sports here.

Feature Image credit: Agência Brasil Fotografias, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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