After reading about my friend Thomas Mets’ experience on the morning of the September 11th attacks, it made me revisit that day in my own life and the many 9/11 heroes stories. While I don’t have a direct connection like him to what happened that day, being a native New Yorker and even just as an American that day holds profound significance to us all.
Twenty-plus years after the attacks even those of us who are old enough to remember that day if we are being honest with each passing year it feels more and more distant. But this is why articles like his are so important because we cannot allow that day and the thousands of people who perished and the 9/11 heroes to become a distant memory.
Reading about the girl in his class Olivia, whose parents worked in the Twin Towers and who may or may not have survived that day reminds me why I hope there is a place in hell for people like the girl (unfortunately I can’t find her name) with a Keffiyeh (how typical) draped around her neck that says “I love Osama Bin Laden, I want to suck his dick.” Or the man behind her likely Palestinian who says “Osama Bin Laden did what he had to do.” As if murdering nearly 3,000 American civilians mothers, fathers, children and grandparents was such a necessity.
They say drowning is the worst possible way to die, we can only hope that a riptide might take both of them out to sea so we can be rid of this waste of American space. Some of you may ask why I am being so harsh.
9/11 Heroes Stories

I’m harsh because this is a complete disrespect to the thousands who died that day and the 9/11 heroes who rushed into death traps and never came out alive. I’m harsh because of heroes like Welles Crowther known as the man in the red bandana who was a 24-year-old equities trader never got to live his life, get married, have kids, and grow old.
For those of you not familiar with his story he was a volunteer firefighter who helped dozens of his fellow injured and disoriented office workers to safety. In one instance he carried an injured woman on his back down 15 stories to safety before he went back up to help evacuate more people. His body was discovered with those of actual FDNY firefighters heading back up the stairs with the jaws of life instrument in his hand.
I’m harsh because of people like Rick Rescorla who was responsible for saving more than 2,700 people as he sang songs to keep them calm. As the head of corporate security for Morgan Stanley Rick Rescorla was told to keep people at their desks by the Port Authority when a plane hit the building next door. Instead, he said “Piss off you @*%. Everything is going to collapse I’m getting my people out of here” He got out 2,700 of his employees before the second plane hit his tower.
Rather than rest on his laurels and stay outside safely Rescorla went back into the building to look for any lost employees. Telling his wife “Stop crying, I have to get these people out safely. If something should happen to me, I want you to know I’ve never been happier. You made my life.” He was last seen on the 10th floor heading upward. One of the true 9/11 heroes.
I’m harsh because of the group of strangers on flight 93 that teamed up to take back the plane. A shining example of the 9/11 heroes of that day. Tom Burnett was able to get incoming calls from his wife that terrorists were hijacking planes and crashing them into populated buildings such as the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Instead of sitting back and hoping that maybe the terrorists really would spare them as they had said Tom told his wife “We have to do something. I’m putting a plan together.”
A four-man group of Tom Burnett, Mark Bingham, Jeremy Glick, and Todd Beamer they rushed the cockpit. Some of you may remember Todd Beamer’s famous phrase from that day “Let’s Roll.” The recorders in the cockpit picked up sounds of a fight occurring. Rather than allow the plane to crash into what is believed to be now the White House or Capitol they forced the hijackers to crash into a field in rural Pennsylvania saving who knows how many lives.
Americans In Praise of Terrorists

This is only a small sampling of the 9/11 heroes that day and a full discussion would be much longer than any one article could provide. So yes, I will be harsh against the scum that want to burn the American flag and shout death to America in our streets. Trump was called a liar and a bigot because he claimed Muslim Americans were celebrating in the streets of America that day. However, he was one-hundred percent correct, I remember coming home from High School that day, turning the TV on, and seeing dozens of people in Patterson New Jersey celebrating and cheering.
Greeks in Astoria Queens have told me that they remember widespread parties breaking out in the Arab section of Astoria in celebration of the attacks that day. Neighborhood lore says supposedly some of the local Mafia made a few of them disappear, if that is true I say good riddance. Now twenty years later these are their children that are marching in the streets of New York waving Hamas and Hezbollah flags while ripping and burning the American flag. We have actual terrorist supporters marching in our streets, defacing our monuments of American heroes and nobody seems to care.
I guarantee that if G-d forbid another September 11th-style attack were to occur today the same group of scum you see marching in the streets in support of Hamas, in support of the atrocities of October 7th that there is no doubt they would be celebrating an attack on America as well. These people have been taught there is an oppressor and an oppressed and the oppressor is always wrong and the oppressed is always right. Even if it were to mean the deaths of thousands of Americans the oppressed is right. To them there are no 9/11 heroes, the 9/11 heroes are the fanatics who hijacked airplanes and crashed them into our buildings.
There is very little daylight between those who chant death to Israel and death to America. This is the same crowd who have the same twisted ideology and beliefs which is why in Michigan you saw the crowd mix between chants of death to Israel and death to America.
A decent portion of these people are from Generation Z as evidenced by the support for Osama Bin Laden that was trending on TikTok recently. Most of them were too young to remember September 11th if they were even born at all. You may argue well they are naive young college students or young adults. It’s one thing to claim naivety and think socialized medicine is ideal or that reparations will solve all our problems.
All young adults have a certain idealism and naivety to their beliefs. However, celebrating Osama Bin Laden and Hamas isn’t naivety it’s twisted and sick. Let’s cut the crap, anybody above the age of four years old knows that killing 3,000 innocent civilians going about their daily lives on a beautiful September day is inhumane. Could their professors have indoctrinated them? Maybe in some cases, though I don’t see how anyone can convince someone that the deaths of 3,000 innocents and the 9/11 heroes we discussed above are a good thing.
We have to be real also, some of them are not American citizens and like parasites are just here to take from our country whatever they can. Therefore, they do not give a damn about anything that happens to our country. Ultimately I’m really not sure how to explain it because I cannot think like these people.
With the coming anniversary of September 11th once again I had noticed even myself with the passage of time getting numb to the events of that day. Reading Thomas’ post and reading the stories of the 9/11 heroes I researched in writing this article will give me a much more meaningful pause this year to reflect on the lives lost and a renewed vigor to fight those who revel in the death of our fellow Americans.
With the renewed calls for Jihad, the burning of our flag in our streets, and the hatred of America shown in protests across the country, this is a fight that will only grow more intense. It is also a fight for the soul of America which we cannot afford to lose.
Do you have any stories of 9/11 heroes from that day? Leave your stories in the comments below and let us know how you feel.
Also, if you have not already read his articles, read Thomas Mets’ experiences on 9/11 starting with Part 1 Here