Welcome to our first debate club which is a immigration debate, this is a forum for our writers at Be’spoke Politics to defend their work and critique their fellow contributors’ work in an interview-style format. Because what fun is it if someone’s ideas go unchallenged? For today’s debate, we have Zeke “THE” Plummer and Kate “THE” Queen
Zeke wrote a piece 10 things I hate about Biden linked here and here, to which Kate responded with a piece of her own entitled Thank You President Biden linked here. So let’s jump into this immigration debate..
Be’spoke Boss: I want to start with you Kate with what I believe to be the most glaring issue for Joe Biden, immigration. You didn’t touch on this in your piece and what I want to know is why didn’t you thank Joe Biden for this and do you defend Joe Biden’s record on illegal immigration?
Kate “THE” Queen: First of all, you didn’t let me get to immigration, go look back at the article and you’ll see you cut it off before I could finish. And I do defend Joe Biden’s record on immigration and think a immigration debate is worth having. The border has been broken for a long time, this isn’t something that just happened under Biden’s watch. We had caravans of migrants coming into the country under Trump, we had Obama who a lot would argue was more heavy-handed on immigration than Trump facing unaccompanied children at the border and record-high deportations. So this isn’t a problem that Joe Biden created. I’m not going to argue everything is perfect at the border
Zeke “The”Plummer: But Biden did argue everything was perfect at the border for three years.
Be’spoke Boss: Let her finish
Kate: The border isn’t perfect but when Biden attempted to tackle the problems at the border he got blocked by Republicans because they were hoping to make it an election issue. So my main point is, that this isn’t a new issue under Biden but just years of failed policy that culminated in what we have today.

Zeke: You didn’t discuss immigration because Biden’s record is indefensible. There’s nothing wrong with the border in the eyes of Democrats, this is exactly what they want. Biden said in the 2020 primaries “When I’m President, I want you to rush the border” and boy, rush they did.
Kate: He never said that, find me where he said that
Zeke: It was in a immigration debate when the other primary candidates were hitting him for not being liberal enough on immigration policy. But regardless you claim that immigration has always been a problem. Yes, we’ve always had illegal’s attempting to get in but not to the tune of 10-20 million in the span of four years.
The border was solved Trump had solved it for the most part with remain in Mexico crossings were at the lowest in years because they knew they would be #1 turned away and #2 not greeted with debit cards, cell phones, free housing, and free medical care. President Bident puts the needs of illegals over the needs of American citizens because it’s the democratic plan to remake the country by allowing in millions of future voters who will be beholden to the Democratic party.
So, you say Thank You President Biden, I say Shame on You President Biden.
Kate: The laws of the United States allow for asylum claims if you don’t like that then they need to re-write the laws. The immigration plan that Biden and the Democrats put together would have allowed these asylum claims to be heard and resolved much more quickly. They would have increased the hiring of judges and lawyers to work on these claims and would send back those who did not qualify for asylum. It also would increase the number of asylum officers and border patrol agents. But Republicans didn’t want to do that because they needed the immigration issue to remain a problem in an election year.
Zeke: He had 3 years to act on immigration and he did nothing but welcome them in and claim the border was completely under control. Then all of a sudden in an election year he claims it’s not under control. So what happened was he lying to us all those years? Of course, he was.!
Kate: Who was it that blocked the bill, who was it?
Zeke: They blocked the bill because it was pure crap. He did not need a bill to address the border he could have taken an executive order just like Trump did to fix the border. Plus that bill would have codified allowing 5,000 illegals to cross every day. None other than President Obama when he was president said allowing 1,000 in a day was a catastrophe. This wasn’t a bill to stop illegal immigration it was a bill to support illegal-immigration. We don’t need any new bills, just enforce the laws we have on the books. I don’t know why there is even a immigration debate to have, shouldn’t we all want strong borders.
Kate: Hey the border patrol union supported the bipartisan bill. They are on the front lines at the border every single day and if they’re saying that this is a bill they trust then I go with that but the Republicans just wanted to play politics.
Be’spoke Boss: Can I interject? To me I think this immigration debate was a very difficult topic to start off with for you Kate because I think it’s difficult to defend President Biden on this. I’m in New York City and every other day I’m opening up the NY Post and I’m reading about rapes, sexual assaults, murders, drug rings etc being attributed to these migrants. So I think there’s a major problem when you let millions of people into our country and we have no idea who the hell they are. But I’m not here to debate you
Kate: You are here to debate me because you just rattled off a list of reasons why I’m wrong
Be’spoke Boss: I do believe you’re wrong on this, but my point being that an immigration debate was a tough first topic for you to defend. The council on foreign relations has a very good article on the immigration debate that goes through how the past few presidents have handled it and I will link that here. I think we hit all the main points on this immigration debate so I want to move on to something that might be more difficult for Zeke to defend which is Gun control amongst other topics which we will dive into in part 2.