Some of us may remember when Time magazine declared the “lie of the year”. Obama’s declaration “If you like your healthcare, you can keep it”. It should come as no surprise that two birds of a feather would flock together. Biden’s resignation is far from the shocker of the year as his deterioration was evident for years.
Rather than the lie of the year, Biden’s resignation and his administration’s attempts to keep his deteriorating mental ability and gaslighting anyone who pointed out otherwise should go down as the lie of the century.
It was abundantly clear to anyone who took a non-biased look at the Joe Biden of 2020 that this was not the same man who beat the well-spoken Paul Ryan in an energetic debate in 2012. However, any attempts to shed light on this topic were met with immediate scorn and derision from the administration and its media enablers.
How dare we question a man’s neurological and physical condition from far away. We could not remotely diagnose him just from the glimpses we saw on the television. Yet only four years earlier the media had wildly speculated on any possible cognitive decline in Donald Trump. If you need any reminder think about Donald Trump gingerly walking down a slippery ramp of Air Force One. This was headline news on CNN, MSNBC, the View, and the like for weeks. In contrast, Biden’s repeatedly falling up the stairs of Air Force One was brushed away as “nothing to see here”. We were horrible individuals if we dared question the media spin.
It is coming out now, that Democratic operatives and those in the Administration knew about Joe Biden’s decline in his cognitive function for years. They had attempted to hide it from the American public. The danger that this administration put the American public in is unprecedented in American history. Every administration throughout American history has not been completely truthful with the public. Though not to the level of covering for a President who is suffering from significant cognitive decline.
Impact Overseas

It would be foolish to think that Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and countless other bad actors did not have the indications that the American emperor had no clothes. Frankly, they didn’t even need their vast intelligence apparatuses to come to this conclusion. All they needed to do was turn on their television and watch him speak and it was clear to see.
They certainly felt emboldened to exploit the situation to further their nefarious desires. This has been evident throughout Biden’s term in office. And certainly so when the President can only function properly between 10am and 4 pm.
So if Putin causes trouble at 5 pm we need to wait until 10 am the next day for any leadership. Unless of course, it’s a weekend then maybe we need to wait until Monday morning.
Would Putin have invaded Ukraine if he knew he had an American opponent who was as sharp and cunning as himself? Would Hamas have launched an unprecedented attack if they knew the US president was not stumbling around in a daze being led by weak progressive underlings? Likely not, but now the world is on fire and we only have the Democrats and their media cheerleaders to blame.
Biden’s Resignation: What Happens Now?
The Democrat elite and their enablers in the media foisted this lie of the century upon us. If Biden cannot run a re-election campaign how has he been able to run the country? These are questions that need answers. Biden’s resignation should be effective immediately. Those who enabled this to go on should be held accountable. Unfortunately, there will likely be no accountability so we must act at the ballot box.

Whatever your disdain for Donald Trump on a personal level he deserves another four years to finish what he started. The Democrats should be kept from holding office due to perpetrating this lie. There were some untruths Trump told during his time in office. However, none amounted to the level of hiding severe and debilitating impairments. The media freaks out when Trump lies about the size of his crowd. Yet registers barely a peep when Biden and his handlers have lied about his fitness for office for years. For this reason, we can no longer trust the media as a neutral source of information.
There was always some reason to explain Biden’s stumbling and bumbling away. They said it was just a speech impediment. Or he’s getting over a cold? Or as he wandered off from his fellow G7 members only recently with a zombified look, that no it made perfect sense there was a parachuter in that direction off camera and he just wanted to see if he was okay. Never mind that he looked like he had no idea where he was. There was always some rational explanation.
Until there wasn’t…..at the debate they could no longer cover it up.
Their lie fell apart like a house of cards and just as quickly the media and democratic establishment turned on him. No apologies for their years of gaslighting and smear campaigns about anyone who dared question his cognitive health.
It was now in their self-interest to push him out of office. So now they pushed the story of his obvious decline which any rational person knew for years resulting in Biden’s resignation. I do not have a MD but I do know dementia is a long process. You do not go from being perfectly fine to the incoherence we saw at the debate in one night.
After Biden’s resignation, Kamala Harris must answer to the American public and explain why she allowed this facade to go on. She put her ambitions over the good of the country, though she was far from alone. For this reason, among others, Donald Trump must be the next President of the United States. Lies over the size of his crowd is a far cry from the lie of the century. Biden’s resignation came too little too late.
Do you consider this a massive lie? Maybe you think Biden is mentally fit? Was Biden’s resignation a mistake?
Feel free to share your thoughts below. If you agree with this article you might want to check out “The Left’s Fake Outrage Obsession with Donald Trump”