A place where where anyone can gather to speak their truth.
Be’spoke: the past participle of Bespeak meaning ‘to speak for something’; ‘to discuss’; to decide upon’; and that’s what we intend to do here.
Be’spoke politics was born out of the idea of us coming together from across the political spectrum to let our voices be heard and engage in debate. Rather than writing to the echo chamber of traditional liberal or conservative publications, this community welcomes dissension and the challenging of one’s beliefs. Is there any view or idea so noble so absolute that it cannot in the very least be analyzed and discussed. We have seen the ill effects of what happens in societies that deem certain views above any reproach.
We grew tired of the shutting down of dissenting ideas and the narrowing of the overton window in mass media. There is a growing trend in the media that silences the voices that it disagrees with. Our belief is that anyone should be allowed to speak their truth. Whether it is right or wrong that is what debate is for and the cream will rise to the top.
Our Readers
You will see a lot of debate between our writers on published pieces and we encourage you to engage with our writers and comment on their publications whether or not you agree or disagree. No one holds the monopoly on good ideas and, trust us, our contributors can handle the criticism. Our goal is for you, our reader, to learn something new, possibly expand your viewpoints, and simultaneously provide some entertainment. Our Bespoke Boss likes to say:
Liberal, conservative, moderate; people get very emotional when their ideas are challenged. And that’s okay, be emotional, argue with vigor, defend your position. But don’t shy away from other viewpoints as the essence of debate and politics is the challenging of ones own ideas. This will either affirm your viewpoint as valid or at the very least spark you to research the subject a little deeper.
So join us on this journey as we debate, dissect, cross-examine, and argue some of the hottest topics facing the world today. Use the ideas you learn here to speak your truth and let your beliefs be heard. And when someone challenges you, never forget to—Be’spoke