Democrat Delusions around Crime and Safety in Minority & Migrant Communities

Crime and Safety

The Democratic party is delusional. They have been in a delusion for years that has only worsened since Donald Trump descended the escalator at Trump Tower in 2015 and declared for the presidency. Kamala Harris and the democratic party cannot hope to fix the problems that plague the United States around crime and safety when they cannot even admit what the problems are or the root causes of those problems.

A politician is no different from your mechanic, your doctor, or your plumber, where in order for them to fix the issue they must first diagnose it. The Democrats have become the mechanic who insists it is the alternator when it’s the transmission because they refuse to accept reality. This is because the reality of the situation is not something the Democratic party likes hence it must not be true.

Statistics of Minority Crime and Safety

As much as the fact-checking ABC moderators would prefer you not to believe, crime is actually up in this country. Donald Trump was right that the FBI study excluded certain major cities when they claimed crime was on its way down. But the larger and more important point is that Democrats don’t care about Black and Hispanic people.

Crime and Safety

African Americans are murdered at a completely disproportional rate compared to Whites, Asians, and even Hispanics. We cannot fix this issue, though, because Harris, Biden, and the democratic party refuse to believe it exists and refuse to believe that minorities account for a disproportionate percentage of crime perpetrators as well as crime victims. The democrats may lie but the statistics do not.

We will use murder because there is less of an argument that can be made regarding “well they just don’t arrest white people for it.” Black and Hispanic individuals make up a staggering 88.3 percent of murder suspects in New York City with sixty percent being Black and 28.3% being Hispanic. This result is breathtaking when you consider that only 21% of NYC is black yet they account for sixty percent of murder suspects. In line with this Black individuals accounted for nearly 60% of murder victims in NYC.

In the Democrat delusion, our biggest fear is the supposed white supremacist lurking behind every corner. We heard non-stop for four years of the dangers of white supremacy, yet these people make up a minuscule portion of the population and have never been more relegated to the fringes at any point in history than right now. Non-existent White supremacists are the Democrat’s greatest concern though.

Black Lives Matter and its Effect on Crime

If Harris/Biden/Obama cared about African Americans, they would put forward policies to drive this crime rate down. Instead, after the BLM riots of 2020, they did just the opposite while retreating to their own gated communities with plenty of police protection.

With the push to abolish policing and laxer enforcement of laws, there was a massive spike in homicides of African Americans, which resulted in 8 extra deaths per 100,000 residents in the USA compared to 0.5 extra deaths per 100,000 residents of White Americans. This all pushed the black victimization rate up to 25.3 per 100,000 in 2020 compared to 19.5 per 100,000 in 2019, nearly ten times higher than Whites. You can read these stats in Peter Kirsanow’s article in the National Review “Trump is right on crime” if you want to read an interesting piece.

The idealist young white children that you saw marching so proudly for Black Lives Matter in 2020 weren’t the ones who had to deal with the consequences. It’s easy to push for defunding the police when you can retreat to the safety of your suburbs with ample police protection and white picket fences. Crime and safety is not a daily concern for them. They did their perfunctory social justice march and posted it on Instagram so they could claim they were a good person and left the city.

Meanwhile, if any of them had dared to interact with an African American that was over the age of twenty and didn’t have a major in Queer studies, they would find the vast majority wanted more policing, not less. They know they are the number one victims of the violence that occurs when police disappear. Crime and safety is important to them.

Crime and Safety

The Black Lives Matter movement was the biggest fraud of the past five years as its leaders feasted on lobsters and caviar in mansions bought by well-meaning donations. They pushed policies that led to the destruction of the black community. Fraud and embezzlement were rampant and very little of the money donated money made its way to black communities. If you dared question any of this at the time you were shouted down as racist and had your career or school life ruined.

Democrats won’t let any of this be discussed, though, and if you dare bring it up, they will shout you down as racist. Common sense dictates though if you can’t discuss the problem, how can you ever find a fix to the problem? Is it out of the realm of possibility that maybe some races do commit more crimes, and is it out of the realm of possibility that maybe that race is also disproportionately the victim of certain crimes?

The New Jersey Turnpike Study is a famous study that was done on the New Jersey Turnpike regarding officials believing too many black motorists were being pulled over. A major study was done to see if state troopers were pulling over too many black motorists, and their findings showed the state troopers were actually pulling over too few black motorists. The black drivers were driving at substantially faster speeds than other races, hence why they were being pulled over more.

The Democrats have this delusion that every group of people operates the same. That there are no differences, and if there are differences, it’s always due to racism. They are willing to let black people continue to be gunned down at astronomical levels all because they refuse to admit that there is a major problem going on.

Once the problem is identified, then you can take steps toward solving it. But as long as democrats want to continue to deny reality on crime and safety they will be no better than the mechanic ignoring the engine by fixing the brakes. What Tom Hogan a former prosecutor said will continue to be true“A young man living in the most dangerous zip codes in Chicago or Philadelphia is at greater risk of being violently killed than a soldier in combat on the battlefield.”

Democrat Delusions and Migrant Crime

In addition to the above crime, we have a new category of crime that Democrats get to be delusional about. That is the illegal migrant crime that is out of control. Yes, I’m sure you’ve heard all of the Trump soundbites on this topic, but whether you like Trump or dislike him, the fact is we have let in millions of people, some of whom are criminals and terrorists.

The delusional Democrats want you to believe that they are here to work and feed their families but that is far from the truth. In fact, when they finally decided to hand out work cards in the migrant camp at Bennett Field in Brooklyn, they barely found any takers for the permits. New numbers out recently show that 15,000 illegal immigrants are convicted or accused of murder, and that’s only the ones that we know of. There are also 20,061 illegals convicted or accused of sexual assault and a measly 100,000 convicted or accused of assault.

Crime and Safety

The Democrats care more about their rights than a law-abiding citizen like yourself. They can commit crime after crime after crime, and sanctuary cities will protect them regardless of the harm they can inflict on you and your family. Is there any other country on earth that would or does allow this? Comment below if you can think of any because I cannot.

In New York City, there are police precincts in Midtown Manhattan where officers say around 75% of the criminals are newly arrived illegals. In queens, some precincts are claiming around 60% of their apprehensions are newly arrived illegals. President Biden and Harris imported the worst of the worst from all over the world but promote them to Americans as the best of the best.

They do this because they think you’re dumb and can get away with it. That you won’t question the stories you read about a thirteen-year-old being raped in Queens New York, a twelve-year-old being murdered in Texas or a mother of five killed in Texas. Their delusions of believing that the whole world is good and people only want to come here to better themselves put us all at risk.

How can we fix an illegal migrant crime wave if we cannot even acknowledge it exists?

Once again though the facts get in the way of their delusions if we look at the crime rates as pointed out above or look at the video footage of illegals toting automatic guns around a Colorado apartment complex. Even with video footage Democrat officials tried to say what you saw with your own eyes wasn’t true. You were the delusional one if you believed the footage and to listen to your leaders because they knew what’s best for you.

It’s best that our neighborhoods should be overrun with criminals from the third world?

It’s best that we let in documented terrorists through the southern border and luckily at this point we’ve foiled all of their attempts while they try to sweep them under the rug?

And it’s best that we now have a vicious Venezuelan street gang taking over cities across the United States that did not exist until a year or two ago in this country?

Now reports from the street out of Chicago suggest a war might break out between the established African American gangs in the city and these newly arrived Latino gangs. More gang violence on top of the already excessive gang violence in the city of Chicago is exactly what they need. The delusional democratic leaders won’t acknowledge any of the issues above are problems therefore they will be incapable of fixing any of this.


Under the delusional democrats in power, you will be less safe whether you are Black, Latino, White, Asian, or anything else. They cannot even begin try to fix the problems in the African American community because their the ones that created it and that would mean first acknowledging a problem exists.

They also won’t fix the migrant crime and safety issue because that would mean acknowledging the millions they brought in as future potential voters are filled with criminals, opportunists, and fraudsters. If we want to begin building a safer society, we must tackle the problems head-on and not be scared about what the stats say. Even if they point us in places we do not like, political correctness and shutting down discussion will not enable the most impacted communities to live in the peace they deserve.

Do you agree that the Democrats are delusional about crime and safety or is our writer delusional? Let us know in the comments below and if you liked this conservative perspective you might like his other work “Progressivism is a mental disorder: The Deadly Trump assassination attempt”

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