Haitians Stealing Pets? It’s Debunked, Trump had better arguments

Haitians stealing pets
Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The wild claim of Haitians stealing pets such as dogs and cats out of their yards exploded to the forefront on the debate stage Tuesday night. When discussing illegal immigration former President Trump claimed that Haitian migrants are stealing cats and dogs out of people’s yards. Is this true? Can this likely be happening? With the information being unsubstantiated, I will not claim this is a completely true story. I also think there were a lot better arguments Trump could have made for why Biden/Harris were horrible for illegal immigration and terrible on the border.

This was one of the many mistakes Trump made that night as he seemingly came in unprepared. We touched on this during our Be’spoke politics debate, see that article here, but I will give some more critiques of it below.

Claims of Haitians Stealing Pets

Haitians stealing pets

Getting back to the issue at hand though I think it’s out there to claim Haitian migrants are stealing pets without having definitive proof and now even the one who started this whole thing claims she made the post based on faulty information. The other allegation is that Haitian migrants are stealing Geese out of parks to eat. Again we can’t claim this is true but this would be more believable than stealing people’s pets. This is based on two reports from Snyder Park of Haitians grabbing Geese and Ducks from the park.

According to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, there was no supporting evidence of wildlife being illegally removed from the park. Having been to many parks during my lifetime there would not be much difficulty in taking a duck or geese from the park. I wonder what evidence the police would expect to be left behind from something like that.

In another story, a caller called in saying they were driving in Snyder Park and saw three Haitian males place a live goose and live duck in a black trash bag and drive away. The officer then monitored the area and saw no evidence of a crime. Again, I’m not sure what evidence you’re supposed to find after the fact.

If Trump was that desperate to bring up this story, the Duck story is what he should have gone with as there could be a kernel of truth to it rather than the likely completely false story of Haitians stealing pets such as cats and dogs. It’s not hard to imagine these people coming from Haiti where you have essential lawlessness and bringing those customs or practices here. It could even be a natural thing over there to see an animal and hunt it on the spot.

We go duck hunting and Canadian goose hunting in this country, but it is licensed and only allowable in certain locations with restrictions. But you can see how it’s not such a far-fetched occurrence for that to be happening as opposed to stealing cats and dogs. The city manager for Springfield Ohio claims that nothing out of the ordinary is going on, though one shouldn’t necessarily believe that. The city managers for Aurora and the Colorado governor also claimed that nothing out of the ordinary was going on in the apartment complexes that were being overrun with illegal gang members. Meanwhile, the actual largely Hispanic residents claimed they were being terrorized in their own homes.

Migrant Crime Wave

Haitians stealing pets

Again though, there were much better examples to bring up than this story to demonstrate Kamala Harris “the Border Czar” ineptitude on the border. The rapes and murders and crimes would have been much better at getting his point out to the American public than a silly story like this. In certain areas of Manhattan, the police department estimates that seventy-five percent of the people that they are arresting are illegal migrants. In Queens, this number is at sixty percent.

This is an illegal immigrant crime wave that is getting out of control. This is the issue he should have hammered home in the debate but failed to do so because he was too busy discussing a largely debunked story.

This story of dogs, cats, and ducks distracts from the larger and more real issue plaguing cities like Springfield Ohio all over the country. Which is, that we have an influx of people from third-world countries who bring in no valuable skills, do not speak the language, are bringing their cultural practices, and are leeching off our country. Let’s cite a real problem in Springfield Ohio that is well documented and that is the newly arrived Haitians’ lawlessness for the rules of the road.

This is very evident in New York City where every day you see newly arrived migrants riding motorcycles at top speeds on the sidewalks, running red lights, and driving the wrong way down one-way streets amongst many other issues. In Springfield, a Haitian migrant named Hermanio Jospeh lost control of a minivan he was driving without a valid US license and went into the path of a school bus. The bus driver swerved to avoid Joseph and ended up going off the road fatally throwing an 11-year-old boy from the window and crushing him. There were twenty other children hospitalized.

How about another story, a Haitian driver made an illegal turn and smashed into a mother’s pickup truck. This was seen by a NY Post reporter just in their short time visiting the city and you can see that article here. Also, that story tells of a Springfield grandmother who was killed by a Haitian driver with an expired license as she was bringing her garbage cans in.

Some may argue that Haitians (and other migrants not just them) do not know the rules of the road here and need driver’s education courses. I do not buy that argument, as I see all too often newly arrived migrants running through red lights all over the city. They do not need a driver’s education course, likely paid for by me the taxpayer, to tell them that red means stop and green means go. They do not want to stop at these lights, it’s not in their interest to obey our laws. They would prefer to turn the US into the countries that they came from which were supposedly so terrible.

I am not willing to give them that benefit of the doubt, in fact, I think you can argue it’s racist for liberals to imply that they are that dumb that they do not understand traffic lights, stop signs, and turning lanes. I give them more credit than that, they are smart enough to know better, they just don’t want to. You can give them all the education you like but there is nothing new that they will be learning.

Getting back to my main point though, the wide open border of the Harris/Biden administration which welcomed all these people with open arms (and money) is what put us down this path. While the rapes and the murders are what get the attention of national headlines, everyday nuisances such as reckless driving and apartment takeovers have a larger negative impact on the American citizenry.

Discussing any of these issues would have been of more value for Trump to bring up at the debate than discussing Haitians stealing pets like cats and dogs. This would have put Harris on the defensive to try and cover up for an immigration and border policy that is indefensible. Instead, she was able to look at him incredulously and allow the moderator to fact-check him in real-time.

There are enough disasters from the Biden-Harris administration that there is no need to resort to unsubstantiated reports or conspiracy theories to bring them down. In the future Trump’s campaign will be better off if they stick to talking points with just the facts, as the facts are not in Harris’ favor.

What did you think of Trump’s claim about Haitians stealing pets from people’s yards? Was it racist, was it a blown debate opportunity? Let us know in the comments below.

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