I read Zeke’s column on the 10 things he hates about President Biden and the first thing I thought was oh hellllll noooo. If you haven’t read his column, check it out here. He has a way of cherry-picking the data to get his point across. I’m not in the business of going line by line and dissecting each of his statements. Some of it is so egregious it isn’t worth my time. I only want to respond to some of the major marks he missed in his write-up.
President Biden and his Accomplishments
- It’s the economy stupid
Yes, it is the economy…stupid. Take a look at your 401(k)’s, and look at your stock investments these are all reaching record highs. Americans are in a better place for retirement than they have been in years. This is largely thanks to a stock market that keeps outpacing itself. Thank you Bidenomics, you have pushed my planned retirement up by a couple years. Inflationary concerns are easing and it looks like the Fed will pull off the soft landing that they had hoped for. Easing inflation without pushing the economy into a recession.
President Biden’s investment in infrastructure and green energy created many new jobs. Jobs that are keeping Americans employed to the tune of record numbers. Look at the unemployment rate from when Biden took office in January 2021 to what it is now. I’ll give you a hint it’s at record lows, 6.3 percent in January 2021 compared to 3.6% in 2024. So THANK YOU Joe Biden for keeping Americans employed and fueling our retirement.
2. The Russia-Ukraine War
Where would we be under Trump? Trump and Putin would be having afternoon lunch and strolling around Independence Square in Kyiv. The cranes would put back up monuments to the old Soviet Union. President Biden has brought together an unprecedented international effort to weaken Russia and give Ukraine the tools it needs to withstand Russian aggression. I sure as hell do not trust Trump to do what’s right when it comes to Ukraine. He would sell out their territorial integrity instead of standing up to Putin. Before the war, no one believed that NATO could work together like this for a common cause but Joe Biden got it done.
3. Access to Healthcare
I’m still waiting for Trump and the Republicans to unveil their healthcare plan. This new plan was so talked about back in 2016. Well, it’s 2024 now and we’ve seen nothing. Meanwhile, under President Biden, more Americans have access to healthcare than ever before. The number of uninsured Americans hit an all-time low of 7.2% in 2023.
Still, millions and millions more are signing up for Obamacare. The same Obamacare that the right has been cursing all these years has proved a smashing success. No, it’s not perfect, but it’s miles better than anything I’ve seen thrown out by them. Zeke didn’t want to touch healthcare in his column since the Republicans have no accomplishments. Obamacare continues to be the gold standard for insuring the American public at large into 2024.
4. The Environment

Once again another topic Zeke doesn’t want to mess with, is the Environment. If you want underwater cities and scorching hot winters, Trump is your man. If you want to take accountability for our future and the impact we have then you gotta go with Joe. For starters, he rejoined the Paris Agreement which will work to limit global warming. With the United States out of the Paris accords they were only for show. Now with a United States throwing its full support behind this agreement, we truly have a chance to limit emissions and make a difference.
The myopic view of many conservatives where they only want what benefits them now can truly be dangerous. What good is being the most powerful country on Earth if there is not much of Earth left. As the leading player in the world, any international agreement without the support of the United States is a joke.
In addition, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act made substantial investments in clean energy, electric vehicles, and the environment. Yes, you heard that right the infrastructure act, like the one Donald Trump couldn’t get passed, well President Biden did.
This was once-in-a-generation legislation and President Biden got it done. We saw major investment in electric vehicle infrastructure, not to mention your everyday roads and bridges that y’all use. We got $55 billion to upgrade drinking water infrastructure to replace lead pipes so that we never have to see a repeat of the Flint Michigan fiasco again. Investments in clean energy such as carbon capture and storage. And billions to clean up polluted sites throughout the United States amongst many other things.
5. Gun Control
Ask anyone in the world what one of their biggest fears about visiting America is. They will tell you about the gun culture. While I would agree that transforming the United States into a totally gun-free society is a half-baked idea, there should be common-sense gun control laws. And once again Joe Biden contributed to this, we have the BIPARTISAN Safer Communities Act. Notice how he was the deal-maker Trump always professed to be. This brought enhanced background checks to gun buyers in the 18-21 range and Red Flag Laws. It also prohibited those convicted of domestic violence from purchasing firearms.
President Biden took executive action on ghost guns. He made the kits that assemble ghost guns essentially the same thing as firearms thereby making them more difficult to be untraceable. The rapid rise in ghost guns just over the last eight year was a pressing issue. This needed to be addressed as with these kits any child was able to buy them offline, assemble them in as little as thirty minutes, and have an untraceable working firearm. Just since 2017, ghost gun crime has risen by over 1,000%.
When President Biden sees something that needs acting on he doesn’t hesitate. He will make the bold move to act on it for the betterment of our country. Just check out this link from President Biden’s office outlining all the steps his administration has taekn.
Be’spoke Boss Brill (BBB): Hold on, hold on, hold on, I just want to stop you right here. I read Zeke’s column on President Biden and I’m reading yours and I saw your drafts. While your arguments are well and good, as are his, it’s almost as if you two are talking about completely separate topics….I don’t see you discussing immigration, Afghanistan, Covid 19 etc. He as well neglected to discuss anything related to the environment, healthcare, gun control which you are discussing here.
Kate “THE” Queen: Oh trust me I have no problem talking about that tell him to get his ass over here on this thread chain to discuss President Biden.
BBB: I think we need to get some back and forth debate going on President Biden, Immigration, Afghanistan, Gun Control, Healthcare–some of these ideas that will be a little bit more difficult to defend. Since in his article he just goes straight to the glaringly obvious problems with Joe Biden and I see you going just to the middle of the road Democratic policies that a large portion can get behind.
Kate “THE” Queen: I take exception with your statement of glaringly obvious problems and President Biden in the same sentence, but bring it on we’ll do it right here…
Check out the pages Kate is responding to Here and Here regarding President Biden