In the classic 1999 movie “10 Things I Hate About You” Julia Stiles reads a poem that recites ten things she hates about Patrick yet ultimately encapsulates her love for him. I can assure you I am not writing this in any similar vain. The 10 things I hate about our Commander in Sleep will not be written out of love. Most of you will be reading this in the post-debate world where Joe Biden self-destructed.
In the aftermath of that implosion, I think its is important to remind you there are many reasons to send Joe Biden packing instead of just having a poor debate. I will not take a deep dive into each bullet point for this article. Just a brief overview which we will get into more detail in follow-up articles.
Joe Biden’s Disasters
- Weak Leadership
We should start this off with the most obvious, the world burns while Joe Biden dithers. Conflicts are burning across the world in no small part because the United States’ adversaries sense weakness. This was a man who was the only one in the room not to have the courage, wherewithal, common sense…name your term, to agree with the strike to take out Osama Bin Laden. As Barack Obama’s Secretary of Defense so eloquently put it “I think he’s been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” That pretty much sums it up as good as you can get.

2. Afghanistan Withdrawal
To build off the case for his weak leadership, we need only look at our bungled chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. You may agree or disagree with the decision to leave Afghanistan. But no one would say this was done in an organized and coherent manner. Joe Biden went against all the advice of his top military advisors and the commanders on the ground. He decided to reverse Trump’s conditioned withdrawal with an unconditional one.
Everyone had concerns about the Afghan army being able to hold their ground. That is everyone except the beacon of shining light that is….Joe Biden. His hasty and uncoordinated retreat let Billions of dollars of United States’ weaponry fall into the hands of the Taliban. And worse still, it resulted in the deaths of 13 US Service members. This early disaster would set the tone for the rest of his presidency.
3. The Russia-Ukraine War
Regardless of where you stand on the arming of Ukraine, if you think it’s too little or if you think it’s too much. It must be argued that he undertook Joe Biden’s administration’s policy in the worst way possible. He still to this day has never outlined a coherent path to victory. Joe Biden has neither outlined what his administration’s goals are in Ukraine.
Schizophrenically throwing weapons into Ukraine without any strategy or end game was a recipe for disaster. If his goal was for Ukraine to win, why has he hamstrung them nearly every step of the way? What he is doing is giving the Ukrainians just enough to result in their endless deaths without dealing any meaningful blow to the Russians. When they looked to be gaining momentum over the Russians, Biden snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

4. Open Border and Illegal Immigration
Ah, now we get into where he shines. If you thought the above was bad it’s nothing compared to Joe Biden’s unhinged border policies. This really should not be a surprise since as a candidate he said in a debate on stage that when he was President he wanted the Illegal migrants to rush the border. And rush they did, with 10 million migrants in this country that we know of. Although with the true amount probably closer to 15-20 million, he has single-handedly transformed this country.
Bloody Joe Biden is responsible for the murders and rapes of young women throughout this country. He let them in by not giving a damn who is coming through our gates and doing nothing to attempt to fix it. Venezuela is experiencing record-low crime. Should it be any coincidence that this is correlating with record-high crime and brand new Venezuelan street gangs on the streets of American cities? But Latin America is not emptying its jails and insane asylums……right ? The mainstream media said they aren’t so it must be true….
5. COVID 19
The issue that doomed President Trump’s re-election chances. Joe Biden came to power on the vow that he would “end covid”. If that plan to end Covid-19 was by killing off all the sick and vulnerable people then he certainly succeeded. More people died under Biden’s time in office during his first year than during Trump’s tenure. Keeping in mind during Trump’s tenure the virus was brand new and killing at an alarmingly high rate in NYC.
Honestly, I’m not sure how much any president could have done to stave off a once in a 100-year pandemic. However, since the main theme of Biden’s campaign was how poorly Trump handled Covid-19 and how he would get it under control, it’s just another failure of his time in power.
We also have his vaccine mandates which proved to be completely ineffective. Even worse resulting in the firing of thousands of those we had deemed heroes just a few months earlier. And the left says Trump is the authoritarian? They forced the vaccine on millions of Americans who didn’t want to take it, covered up the science on mask-wearing and social distancing, and took every possible opportunity to expand their powers.
There’s so much that can be written on each of the above topics, we could turn this into a full-length novel. However, this is only meant to be a brief overview to touch on each of his disasters. You will see greater in-depth analysis regarding these issues in future articles. But for now let’s move on to part 2 with the following link, 10 Things I Hate about Biden (Part 2).