With no introduction needed, let’s jump right back into our list of ten things we hate about Joe Biden…..
6. It’s the Economy stupid
The prices for basic goods and services are through the roof and the American family struggles to meet its basic needs. President Joe Biden is putting the American people last. Illegal migrants get generous subsidies for breaking our laws. Meanwhile, hardworking and homeless Americans are getting relegated to the back of the line. President Biden’s spend-crazy policies such as the American Rescue Plan have done anything but rescue Americans. They have left you and me in a bigger hole than ever before.
The increased regulatory environment ushered in by the Joe Biden administration has increased the costs for businesses to operate. Of course, the consumer has had these costs pushed onto them. Even if you believed that some regulation was necessary, to do it in an era of persistent inflation based on record spending was willfully negligent.
Finally, Biden’s war on the gas and oil industry. This has helped to drive prices to recent highs and been a stubborn strain on the individual American’s budget. It’s never a good idea to come into office declaring war on the oil and gas industry leading me right to our next reason……

7. Joe Biden’s Energy Policies
Under former President Trump, we went from exporting more energy than we imported from foreign sources for the first time since 1952. We also became a net petroleum exporter for the first time since 1949. However, when Biden swept into office he essentially declared war on American energy. He showed complete disregard for how it would impact the everyday American.
By canceling the Keystone XL pipeline and revoking leases for oil and gas mining, amongst other things, President Biden has catered to the extreme environmental fringe of the party and pushed up the prices of energy. With the invasion of Ukraine, this policy would come back to bite him far sooner than he realized. This policy would come back to bite him far sooner than even he realized with the invasion of Ukraine. Our President went to feebly beg the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia to increase oil output to bring down prices. Whatever happened to “I’m going to turn Saudi Arabia into a pariah state”…?

8. Iran
Joe Biden has single-handedly allowed Iran to come back from the brink of irrelevance into a full-fledged regional power. The prior president had beaten Iran into submission when Joe Biden took office. Immediately and quite stupidly Joe Biden allowed billions to flow into Iran. While everyone focuses on the nearly sixteen billion that Biden has authorized for sanction waivers since October 7th, there were billions more previously that Biden authorized since taking office. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 35-50 billion. We cannot forget that on top of all that, for freeing six Americans Biden released six billion to Iran. Now the world knows the price of an American head is one billion dollars.
With the Ayatollah’s coffers overflowing with funds they are free to spread their vision throughout the globe. They do this by funding their terrorist proxies while tweedle dumb clings to a delusional vision of Iran being a partner for peace. As president, Trump was bringing the Middle East together as never seen before only to have Biden rip it apart in 3 years. They chant death to America on the streets of Tehran, but Biden wants you to believe they don’t reallllyyyyyyy mean it.
9. Involvement in Hunter’s Business Dealings
We have been gaslighted for the past four years regarding the extent of his knowledge about Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Since the story changes every time we can no longer trust any of it. First it was that he has no knowledge of his son’s business dealings. When that turned out to be false it turned into that he knew about it but never discussed it. After that it was found out he had dozens of meetings with his son and his various business partners. So then it turned into he spoke to them but wasn’t involved with it.
As more and more information trickled in on how involved Joe was with Hunter’s business the mainstream media had no interest in the story. You can best believe if a Republican had this type of growing story we would be hearing about it nightly on Rachel Maddow.
Joe Biden campaigned on the promise to bring back normalcy to the White House. Conspiring with foreign governments for lucrative contracts is anything but normal. We may never officially know who the “big guy” is but anyone using simple logic can probably figure it out.
10. Mental Acuity
Look there’s no shame in getting old and there’s no shame in cognitive decline. Some of us will suffer similar and all of us probably know someone who has gone through this. But there is shame in it when you are the leader of the free world. He and his team have used the complicit media to cover it up for the last four years. To an unbiased observer, the signs were all there four years ago. It was just his speech impediment which he always had they told us. Watch his speeches from thirty years ago and you will quickly realize this was not his regular speech impediment.
MSNBC, CNN and the like nightly during Trump’s presidency hypothesized over his cognitive strength. They analyzed video clips for the slightest stumble or slip-up. When Joe Biden took office all of a sudden these same outlets were saying it is not proper to guess subjectively on someone’s mental acumen without any reliable reports.
Four years earlier though they were all to eager too discuss someone’s mental acumen. Joe Biden, with the help of the media, misled the American public into believing he was fit for the job and America’s adversaries around the globe have taken advantage of it. After the debate disaster and realizing their preferred candidate might not win, they are now doing the reporting that they should have been doing three years ago.
This presidential administration has been the biggest disaster of my lifetime and possibly of the country’s lifetime. Neither Republicans nor even Democrats think Joe Biden’s term in office has been any great success. His approval ratings are in the toilet and most do not think that the country is on the right track.
If you did not read our Part 1 check it out here at 10 Things I Hate about Joe Biden (Part 1).
But maybe you have a different perspective? Maybe you think this has been a great presidency or maybe you think it has been a disaster? Share with us in the comments below and let me know what you think.
Also, I suspect I may get a very angry response to this from one of our fellow contributors.